Call for submission!

Call for submission!

We believe that wellness is done perfectly in a community. We don’t have to do that work of healing, growth, rediscovery of self, attaining sobriety, and all the other disciplines that groom us into becoming the best versions of ourselves all alone. Humans need connection to thrive. Therefore, healthy and life supporting connections become the rock upon which we lean for survival in times of chaos as well as the warm embrace we lean in with gratitude in times of celebration.
Jo Nketiah, Founder (Restorers Home)

The restorers Home App is under way!

Restorers Home is a Christian faith-based Centre that seeks to foster the mental and emotional wellness of all people regardless of their background. Restorers Home is developing an App with the goal to guiding individuals to navigate and connect with their emotional and mental journeys in a healthy way.
We are therefore looking for volunteers in the areas of writing, music, and photography. A volunteer in each area will be selected to contribute to the successful development of the app. We believe that words have profound impact and therefore hopeful messages can play a role to reaching the brokenness of the world. Writers are invited to send short poems or quotes, with or without scripture references, anchored on themes that inspire, bring hope and uplift the human soul. Ralph Hattersley once said, “We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us”. We believe that a good picture can bring sense and meaning to our emotions and cognitive state.
My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary. - Martin Luther. Through soothing and relaxing music, we hope that hearts are refreshed and restored back to hopefulness. Kindly note that The Restorers Home App is non-profit and no payment will be made towards an artist’s submission. We welcome the support of investors, donors and other partners whose involvement with the project will contribute to the successful development of the App which will result in promoting mental and emotional wellness.
All selected and uploaded submissions will be copyrighted in the artist's name.

Kindly send all questions to



All category of submitted works must be original.
There is no limit to the number of works that can be submitted! Kindly send as much as you can on any or all categories.
Please include your name in the file name of your work before submitting. (Your Name will appear same when uploaded on the app with your copyright) Also, kindly provide themes for each of your individual work. (For instance, hope, faith, boundaries, peace, gratitude)
Poetry/quotes must be short (Not more than 7 lines).
Poetry/quotes can be written on diverse themes but must revolve around mental, emotional, and spiritual wholeness to bring upliftment and hope to app users.
Photographers are encouraged to submit high quality images centered around nature, preferably.
Music must be instruments only with great sound quality (guitar, piano, flute and other instruments. No lyrics). Must be within 1-3mins.

Kindly note submissions will undergo thoughtful review by our team.

Contributors with 50+ submission in a single category or 70+ in two categories and 100+ in all three categories will have their personal profiles featured as contributors on the app.

Submit Here

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