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The love that liberates

…Because in the end , people can only give what they have, and that is what I have come to know and whilst in some previous times I have really hurt deeply because I couldn’t get to experience that kind…


I never thought I need rest until I actually started having one. Everybody around me was telling me “ Jo, slow down, rest”. My mom’s concern was the deepest that echoed in my two blocked ears. Now if you take…


When I arrived in Accra in September 2014, I first settled at Dome with family. By family I mean my dad’s friend in ministry , with his wife and three children and I felt every feeling of family. Today, I…


Once I went to the roof top of my apartment and slept on the hard floor to stare into the dark clouds. I felt small because I realized how vast and occupying the sky was, to some extent a grip of fear enveloped around my heart.